The Guidance Team

January 09 2024

the Guidance Team provides the practical communication and coordination of priorities on behalf of the Alliance Team between meetings. The GT represents and is responsible to the AT.  The Guidance Team is comprised of 7 to 9 members elected for a 2 year term consecutively renewable twice (Maximum of six years in succession). It shall be empowered to call upon member MCs to provide resource staffing as needed.

Specific functions:
• Ongoing communication throughout the GA
• Respond to AT priorities and internal issues as they arise
• Challenge and facilitate MCs to respond to new opportunities
• Task and monitor the Resource Teams and facilitate their connection to the GA
• Calls AT meetings and coordinates their preparation including agenda and logistics.
• Serve as a resource for priority and principle clarification to the GA
• Seeks to maintain harmony between MCs and is available to help restore relationships

The OC Global Alliance Guidance Team (2023-2025)

Paulo Moreira - Moderator (SEPAL Brazil
Cortney Hiles (SEPAL Spain)
Dean Carlson (OC - USA)
Dick Grady (The Corporation)
Jojo Manzano (Philippine Challenge)
Karl Teichert (OC Southern Africa)
Ronald Gier (OC India)
Tony Ford (OC UK)
Tony Lee (OC Singapore)




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