Collaboration and Multiplication in Vietnam

August 07 2024

One of the ways OC Resources Singapore (OCRS) sees collaboration and multiplication taking place is through the Ministry Leadership Training Institute (MLTI) in northern Vietnam. Starting amid the COVID pandemic, OCRS, along with Hanoi Bible College (HBC) and the International Theological Network (ITEN), united to form MLTI in order to meet a pressing need in the church. Most of the pastors in the northern region have had little or no systematic Bible training. The demand for robust pastoral training is just too great for the approved institutions to meet. This is where MLTI offered solid theology, expert teaching, and a reproducible model. MLTI started by equipping 30 Hmong pastors with 12 modules of practical Biblical studies. Multiplication is a key component of the program, and the students need to reproduce what they have learned in their local congregations and beyond. Many hundreds have been equipped, and the gospel advanced in the process. Here is a testimony about two graduates of MLTI and the impact they are having in their area.  

From Pastor C.

Thank God for attending the pastoral leadership course (MLTI). Pastor C. is now taking care of a new group of believers and says that serving God is easier because he has attended MLTI, which helps to equip church planters. Thank you, MLTI. 

After graduating from the MLTI training course last year, Pastor C. returned to his hometown in a northern province and began sharing the gospel with other ethnic minority people. Near his village, there were some Yao people. He became friends and began sharing and testifying about the story of God changing his life. He led a family to God, and 3 months later, there were 12 believers in that province.

Last July, he and Pastor S. baptized the Yao believers here. Pastor C. said that in order to care for new believers growing in their faith, he found that attending MLTI is very good for the ministry and helps the church develop.

Pastor C. shared this with the professors, pastors, and classmates so that everyone would be grateful to God and pray for this new group and Pastor C.’s family as well. 


Submitted by David Walker

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