Encouraging Leaders in the UK

October 14 2024

One Challenge UK (OC UK) has been a strategic partner in the OC Global Alliance for many years.  In addition to being the launch pad for our global research team and another ministry team to the south, OC UK has been a support hub for ministry in the United Kingdom and Europe.  The team is currently in a season of transition as they look for new and meaningful ways of serving the Church in the UK.  One of the ways they are serving is through an annual Encouragement For Leaders Conference.  I recently visited the team in Worthing, England, where Vic Walker (OC UK Board Member) shared the following.

Thanks to Roger Purdom (previous Chair of One Challenge in UK) for having the vision to start an annual conference for Christian leaders to come aside to be encouraged and refreshed.  Since 2017, we have held such a conference at Ashburnham Place, near Battle—yes, Norman invasion of 1066 and all that—with its beautiful grounds and lakes. Late in 2023, we continued this event, with Andy Hickford as the main speaker. Andy is Director of Jubilee Leadership, a great teacher, proving to be anointed and gifted in bringing and sharing a beautiful Rhema word that ministered to every one of the guests. We were all so encouraged and refreshed. 

Andy had brought with him a visual aid—an ox yoke—as he expounded the scripture 'My yoke is easy, and my burden is light’. Andy had everyone listening with a great hunger and thirst for more. 

We were very grateful to Steve and Renee Grubb for leading us in Praise and Worship and lifting everyone to the throne of grace—they are such a blessing to so many. Tony Ford gave a very informative talk on One Challenge's beginnings and ongoing work globally, which created a lot of interest for our guests and others at Ashburnham. Tamsin Outridge, another board member, set up a prayer room with a team to pray for those who wanted prayer. 

Andy Hickford led a time for group interaction and a question-and-answer period, which went very well. It created a wonderful time of sharing and caring for each other.  It helped us get to know each other better.  Our guests were from different parts of the UK, for a number it was their first time at a One Challenge conference. Their feed back was incredible, everyone said they would come again if we had a conference next year (and of course we are) and that they would like it to be longer. So, we have booked in faith for an extra day for 2025. 

The guests told us that they would like to know more about the work of the OC Global Alliance and found the whole conference fulfilled and went beyond their expectations. Everyone was so impressed with the amazing venue, food, accommodation, and service from the many volunteers and staff at Ashburnham. 

The 2025 conference will be titled "Inspiration for Leaders."  Please pray that God will send and bless leaders to be inspired and encouraged in his service for the furtherance of his kingdom

Posted by Craig Kraft with content from Vic Walker


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