Collaboration Director's Blog - September 2024

October 14 2024

I continue to be amazed at what God’s people accomplish when they step out with a bit of faith.  August saw me in South Africa and the United Kingdom with two of our OC Global Alliance Teams.  This year, I have visited most of our missionary mobilization centers worldwide to spend time with our leaders and learn about our ministries in different countries.  Our work looks slightly different in every country because of the distinct needs.  On this trip, I experienced various ministries, spent time with many missionaries, met with boards, and helped our teams think about the future with new hope and determination.

My first visit was in South Africa.  It was good to be back in my old neighborhood and see former friends, neighbors, and teammates.  Our African team is involved in many different projects.  I  visited a church-based feeding program that provides over three hundred thousand hot meals to school children monthly.  I saw a program where Legos are being used as a tool for evangelism.  I visited work in two informal settlements and participated in an online leadership coach training event with 28 people from 10 countries across Africa.  Our team in South Africa is healthy and thriving.

My second stop was in the UK with our team in Worthing, England. What a delight to visit old friends and meet some of our newer missionaries. I met a couple from North Africa who are now pastoring an Arabic-speaking church in England. I met another missionary couple who work in Austria. They planted a church, led the March for Jesus in Vienna, helped launch a national Reconciliation Roundtable, and started a counseling center. God has gifted us with some truly remarkable people on our teams.

Our UK team was initially launched to provide a base for our missionaries working in several North Africa and the Middle East countries.  Over time, the leadership center for that ministry has now moved to another European city, leaving an empty office.  Our UK team has an encouraging history of launching ministries into other countries, supporting workers in challenging regions, and being the hub for our Global Research team.  Today, they are in a time of transition.  Many years of successful ministry outside of the UK are now shifting toward a new future of ministry within their own country. 

I spent time with their team and explored new opportunities with immigrants pouring into the UK from all over the world.  The nation has a long history of large traditional denominations where many new immigrants don’t fit in.  Our team is looking at a new ministry plan based on the phrase made famous on the London Metro, “Mind the Gap.”  The team is planning a research project and a ministry focus on those small churches, fellowships, and leaders who are marginalized and disconnected.  Our team can come alongside to support, encourage, and connect leaders with others to help strengthen the church and disciple their nation.

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