Lausanne 4 Congress - A foretaste of Revelation 7:9

October 17 2024

Submitted by Dean Carlson (President of One Challenge)

Imagine standing shoulder to shoulder with 5400 Christian leaders from 200 nations … worshipping King Jesus! Though we represented vastly different cultures, spoke hundreds of diverse languages and hailed from every socio-economic level, we united as brothers and sisters before the Throne. Though our passports reflected governments often at odds with one another, we came together in heart allegiance to our Lord.

It was a foretaste of Revelation 7:9, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” That’s how I (Dean) felt at the 4th Lausanne Congress in South Korea. This was likely the most diverse large gathering of evangelical Christians in history. The Lausanne Congresses, started by Billy Graham and John Stott in 1974, have played an instrumental role in the outworking of the Great Commission. I participated in the last Congress - Cape Town 2010 - with a handful of OC colleagues. In Seoul, I was joined by 40 OC Global Alliance co-workers. OC aligns with Lausanne’s vision to see: the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

Toward this end, OC currently engages in nearly 600 strategic partnerships around the world. The Lord has positioned us to serve as catalysts and connectors to accelerate increased collaboration. In Seoul, it was said, “The Great Commission advances at the rate of relationships.” This is true. The Congress provided an uber networking opportunity for us to renew friendships, make new linkages and explore new possibilities. In scores of conversations, I prioritized on church multiplication, leader development, majority world missions and mentoring relationships. Several impressions stand out from that momentous week:

  • Most moving stories – our hearts were moved by stories from leaders who’d been imprisoned for their faith (Iran) or had churches destroyed (India), and have praised God through suffering and pressed on in faith.
  • Most interesting new friend – a Russian who fled the war and is now serving as a missionary in Mexico.
  • Most far-reaching day – we were inspired by the next generation of disciples being raised up across nations to advance the Great Commission. Kathie and I are deeply devoted to encourage, develop and assist them.

One day the Great Commission will be fulfilled, and we’ll stand in awe alongside people from every culture. But until then, there is much work to be done. Nearly nine out of ten Muslims and Hindus in the world still do not personally know a Christian. And where churches are present, every generation must embrace Jesus for themselves.

Lausanne 4 vividly demonstrates that you and I are part of a global kingdom community that transcends boundaries. Every day we give ourselves to making Jesus known brings hope to others and draws us nearer to his return.

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