Discovery Bible Study in Zimbabwe

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” Luke 9:23-24
These verses have been the foundation of an intense in-community discipleship program called Lose Your Life (LYL), which OC’s Zimbabwean team has led annually since 2017. It has proven to be a dynamic and transformative opportunity for many college-age adults studying at or living near the local university.
For several weeks during the mid-year break, the participants live together, catering for themselves and practicing a “with Jesus” life. This year, this included reading through all four Gospels using Discovery Bible Study, daily personal devotions, serving The Base student community, outreach to the local college campus, prayer, hospitality, 6 hours of daily sessions, fun and games, physical fitness, and not least, Sabbath rest.
2024 was a small group, but what a great group. They engaged so well with the material related to critical keys of the Kingdom and a holistic approach to discipleship at the level of culture. Here are some of their comments:
Munashe: “LYL has been impactful in all aspects of my life: spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional. I am on a journey of spiritual transformation and topics like Identity really set a good foundation towards that transformation.”
Nomqhele: “The module on worldview impacted me the most. It has changed my perspective and beliefs. It has challenged me to have a Biblical worldview in contrast to the lies that society leads us to believe. LYL has impacted the fundamentals and foundations on which my life is based. I have been looking at life using blurry glasses, but the program has opened my eyes to see things clearly, using God’s word.”
Iphithule: ”I have learned that I can look to God in different situations or realities. I can change the lies that I have come to believe into the truth that God says. I have learned that my past does not define who I am, but God does. I now know that I am who God says I am."
Confidence: I have gone through a life changing experience during LYL and it has highly impacted my spiritual and physical well-being. I am so excited to re-enter the world which this new-found knowledge. I want to use it to grow my relationship with Christ and to bring other people to Christ.
All four students now lead other student groups using the Discovery Bible Study model and have moved into leadership positions. Meanwhile, graduates from previous years are continuing to grow, put into practice, and give away what they have learned about being disciple-making disciples.
Submitted by Sara Gerhart (OC Zimbabwe Team Leader)
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