The OC Global Alliance is a partnership of interdependent boards that seek to more effectively fulfill the Alliance's mission by working together under a common agreement.
Our Compelling Purpose: Compelled by God’s love and bonded together as partners in the gospel, the OCGA—alert to the complexity of our global context—chooses to work together in humility, unity, trust, and love to maximize our capacity to develop leaders and multiply churches to disciple all nations.
Our Roots: Founded in 1952 as an American nonprofit mission, our movement has a growing and innovative history. From the beginning, we welcomed co-workers from other countries, finding creative ways to work with leaders in the nations we served. In the 1960s, we started receiving workers from other countries but processing them through the U.S. Home Office. This provided an on-ramp for international partners, although it was burdensome for many from the majority world.
Recognizing the growth of non-Western missions movements in the 1980s, we continued expanding our ministry and welcoming international partners to our multi-cultural teams. As this new phenomenon grew, it became apparent that we needed a new pathway to membership in the OC family that did not pass through the United States.
The Birth of the OC Global Alliance
After several years of growth and experimentation, the OC Global Alliance was formed in 2010. We adopted a new, polycentric structure and identified ten mobilization centers (MCs) to become the alliance's autonomous partners. The new model has served us very well. We have expanded to include fifteen mission mobilization centers worldwide, and our number of global workers has doubled in the past decade.
Today, the majority of our global workers hail from countries other than the United States. This diversity, a key strength of our organization, has significantly enhanced our adaptability, cultural relevance, and innovation as we respond to new opportunities worldwide.
Each member of the OC Global Alliance has a history that connects back to OC International. We value the unique identity and context of our teams, so we have encouraged the use of relevant names for each of our local manifestations. For this reason, many different names have been used for the OCGA teams and partners worldwide.
Our Alliance Structure
The structure of the OC Global Alliance is based on a round table where all partnering Mobilization Centers gather as equals. Each Mobilization Center appoints two individuals to represent them at the Alliance table, where we meet biennially.
Our leadership model is flat. We do not have a president or chairman but a guidance team, which helps to facilitate the alliance's decisions and directions. Past moderators of the guidance team came from Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. We are mutually accountable to each other and our Lord Jesus Christ. We unite around our unifying essentials (purpose, values, vision, mission, strategy, statement of faith, and operating principles.
Each of our Mobilization Centers may have multiple fields to which they mobilize workers, resulting in cooperative international and intercultural teams. The round table also represents the sharing of resources. We have formed shared thematic teams of people from various Mobilization Centerss within our alliance. Our shared resource teams include Global Research, Sports Ministries, Diaspora Ministries, DMM Practitioners, and more. As needed, we have also shared resources for member care, financial accounting, leadership development, and technology.
We are now in our fifteenth year as an alliance, which has been a great success. Not only have our ten original partners stayed together, but we have added five more MCs to our alliance and a collaboration hub team to help serve our partners. In addition, research over the past decade demonstrates a significant acceleration of progress in most areas we measure. We owe this growth and success to great leaders led by the Holy Spirit, increased responsiveness, and collaboration between our fields.
Our Reach
In 2023, the OC Global Alliance consisted of:
- 15 Mobilization Centers
- Resident teams in 40 countries
- Impact ministry in 56 countries
- Some countries have multiple teams
- Ministry in 96 nations worldwide