North American Forum '25

February 10 2025

The OC Global Alliance – North America Forum – February 4-6, 2025


The first North America Forum (NAF) took place in February 2014. Four participants were Greg Gripentrog and Dean Carlson from OC-USA, Craig Kraft from OC-Canada, and Bob Rasmussen from Near Frontiers. The first gathering was to build relationships, raise awareness of what we were doing, and explore ways of helping each other.  As we have grown, we have formed a purpose statement for the NA Forum.

The OC North American Forum is a relational community where shared context, challenges, and solutions lead to collaboration to advance the vision and mission of the OCGA in North America (and beyond).

Twenty-four OCGA North American Leaders gathered at Horton Haven Christian Camp, near Nashville, Tennessee, on February 4-6 to strengthen our relationships, explore some of our shared challenges, increase our awareness of each other’s ministries, and Explore opportunities to collaborate.  Participants represented OC US, Near Frontiers, Sports Ambassadors, Entrust, SEPAL USA, The Corporation, Outreach Canada, and the OCGA Collaboration Hub.  Eleven people participated in the forum for the first time, which indicates some of the changes that have been taking place in North America, including new leaders and the merger with Entrust.

 The One Challenge – Entrust merger is a significant development this year that drew a lot of attention as we got to know one another and welcomed our new partners into the OC Family.  Following our decisions at the Forum in 2024, it was not our objective to force collaboration or set any specific goals for partnership at this event, but rather to focus on strengthening relationships and mutual encouragement.  Toward that purpose, the forum was a great success. 

What did we accomplish:

We spent time as a large group, in smaller groups, and on personal reflection.  We worshipped, prayed, and played together, building relationships and learning about the eight ministries represented at the Forum.  We heard some short reports from the different ministries, but most of our time was spent getting to know one another as leaders and individuals.  Some of the main accomplishments include:

  • An orientation session to learn more about the OC Global Alliance and how our North American ministries fit into our OCGA family.
  • We learned about the OCGA Mobilization Centers, Ministry Teams, the Collaboration Hub, and the OCGA Annual Ministry Report.
  • We heard a report, “A Look at the OC Global Alliance in 2024,” which assesses the health of our Alliance, focusing on essential strengths and risk factors faced by our Alliance partners worldwide. 
  • We spent time in small groups, reflecting on what we perceive as rewards, challenges, and changes in our North American ministry context.
  • We nurtured healthy relationships between our leaders and increased familiarity regarding our core North American ministries.

We collectively affirmed that this forum accomplished its stated purpose. We also recognize that while we have some shared continental context in ministry, we also have unique foci and contexts in different countries, regions, and individual ministries in North America.

As we concluded the Forum, we considered some activities to work together on in 2025.

  • We would like to present a white paper on DMM conversations and expression in North America
  • We would like to present a white paper and webinar on Simply Mobilizing in North America
  • We would like to present a report and webinar to help introduce Entrust to our larger circles of partners and teammates.
  • We will consider inviting select OCGA guests from other regions to experience the NAF next year.
  • We decided to extend the event next year to bring together the senior leader from each ministry for a day of sharing and prayer.
  • We are considering repeating the webinar, “Responding to the Shifting Sexual and Gender Realities of our Culture with Grace and Truth,” as it was very popular and has been requested again.

Participants stated that the most significant perceived value of the NA Forum is the opportunity to build relationships, understand the ministry of our partners, fellowship, and pray together. 

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